What's up !
As a kid, I used to go fishing with my dad.
I remember feeling bad for the poor maggot, squirming helplessly on the hook, guts oozing out of the little hole in its side.
I asked my dad if we could catch fish without slaughtering hundreds of innocent maggots and he told me;
“fish won’t just jump onto the hook, you have to give them something they like, and fish like maggots”
Now, I'm certainly no expert when it comes to fishing (despite having a degree in marine biology)...
So why AM I talking about fishing today?
Well, most copywriters will tell you the ‘hook’ is the most important thing...
But a hook without 'bait' is just like trying to fish without maggots.
What do I mean?
OK, so the 'bait' is what attracts attention and triggers a thought along the lines of "ooh, I want that"...
The 'hook' is what keeps them on the line until you can reel them in.
And that really brings up an important question:
"what kind of 'bait' is right for your audience?"
Well, that's where your research comes in.
What problems do they have and how do they talk about them?
If they could wake up a magic genie from a 1000 year slumber and make one wish...
If they could snap their fingers and make one problem vanish for good...
What would that be?
Once you've got the bait, it's a simple matter of hooking them in with engaging stories and psychological trickery...