What's up
Here's a big mistake I see a lot of coaches making...
When you're pitching a coaching program, the tendency is to focus on WHAT people are gonna get...
Now, don't get me wrong...
People need to know that stuff but if you jump straight in, you'll be missing a vital step.
See, before you tell people WHAT they're getting...
You need to tell them WHY they need it!
Start by asking yourself:
"what problem does this solve?"
and "what's the pain behind this problem?"
Then ask yourself:
"when does that pain show up in their lives?"
Try to get as specific as possible here so you can paint a clear picture in their mind.
Now sprinkle in your brand USP and a healthy dose of scarcity and they'll be chomping at the bit to hire you to coach them!
Lemme give you an example...
I know that my ideal client has an email list of at least a couple thousand subscribers...
Their brand voice and messaging is dialled in but they don't have the time or capacity to email their list every other day...
But they've hired copywriters in the past but they didn't get the results they were promised...
Which is when my offer comes in:
"If I choose to work with you and my writing doesn't get results, I'll work for free until it does"
And of course, I'm only one man and my time is precious to me...
So I only make this offer available to 2-3 coaches at a time...
and 2 slots are already taken...
Talk to ya later.