Hey gorgeous...
Not sure where you're from but maybe you can relate to this.
See, I'm from the North of England.
I had a chance to go back there recently and as I was hiking through those bitter, soggy hills...
Hands freezing cold, moisture dripping from my beard and feet squelching through mud...
It would've been easy to focus on all of that negative stuff...
And I would've been miserable...
Instead of soaking up the nature all around (it really is beautiful up there)...
And enjoying some quality time with my brother!
Let me get to the point...
In life and business, there's always gonna be good and bad.
Stuff that lights you up...
and stuff that makes you want to chuck your laptop out of a moving train...
Move to a mountain cabin and never come out again!
But what you get out of it depends on where you put your focus...
So focus on the good stuff!
Here's a little something I do that helps me stay positive even when life hands me a bag of turds!
See, I have a magic stone...
It's a small, flat, purple-ish stone that fits snugly in the palm of my hand.
Every night when I'm lying in bed...
Before I drift off to snoozy land...
I hold it in my hand and try to remember the best thing that happened to me that day.
The effect is that I end up thinking about all the good things that happened...
So I go to sleep feeling happy, positive and looking forward to the next day.
So if you're feeling shitty, discouraged or like things never go right for you...
Find yourself a magic stone!
That's all for today
Nighty-night zzzzzzzzz