It's my birthweek !
"Andrew, I think you mean birthDAY"
No, no, no my friend...
This sh!t happens but once a year and, as you know, I'm not a 'Christmas person'...
So this is all I get...
And you know for damn sure I'm gonna milk this sh!t!
But this email ain't about me, ...
Cos there's a big life lesson to be learned here.
You see, there are all kinds of 'rules' that we just accept without questioning...
About how we're 'supposed' to live our lives...
About 'the way things are'...
But you know what the people who make massive impact in the world...
The ones who shake things up by the roots?
Do you know what they have in common?
They don't play by the rules... they don't blindly follow the status quo...
They challenge the status fucking quo!
Look, I'm not telling you to go out there right now and start a revolution (though you absolutely could do that)...
I'm telling you to start changing your world...
By challenging the rules...
If that means celebrating your birthday for a whole fucking week...
then so be it!
But whatever it is...
F'cking own it!
Right, just about time for some birthweek cake!
Catch ya later.