I was (re)watching the 80s movie "The Terminator" the other day ...
… and there was a quote that stood out to me...
No, not 'that' one!
"The Terminator doesn’t feel any regret and he’s not afraid. He’s a monster and he will not stop until he kills you.”
And I realised something really important...
There's really no secret to becoming unstoppable. All you need to do is simply...
... Don't stop!
Now, I know what you're probably thinking:
"But. I'm not a killer robot from the future... and I absolutely don't want to kill anyone...
...except maybe my neighbour who runs the washing machine at midnight"
It's OK because that's not the point !
I know you're not an emotionless killer... my address is on the bottom of this email so I seriously f**ing hope so.
But if you want to be successful there’s something very important you need to do...
Remove 'giving up' as an option... it doesn't exist anymore...
get super clear on what you want to achieve and let that fuel you to keep moving forwards... no... matter... what!
Okidoki, that’s all I’ve got for you today but don’t worry…
I’ll be back (sorry couldn’t help myself 🤪)