Hey ,
Ever had one of those moments when you're staring at your screen, sipping a lukewarm cup of coffee, wondering why your killer services are
attracting more tumbleweeds than clients?
Yup, I've been there too. 😬
And let me tell you, those tumbleweeds don't pay
the bills. But hold on, I've got something for you that just might change that.
Introducing the QUEST formula!🚀
This handy
acronym is your ticket to turning your lukewarm copy into red-hot conversions that draw in your dream clients like moths to a flame (minus the fiery ending, of course).
Here's how it works:
Q for Qualify the Prospect
Your service isn't for everyone, and that's okay. We’re not making instant coffee here. Be specific about who your ideal client is - the busy professional looking for a healthier work-life balance, for example.
U for Understand Their Situation
Get into your prospects' shoes and start walking (hope they aren’t heels). Acknowledge their struggles, their pain points, show them
you "get it". This is your chance to really connect with your audience.
E for Educate on a Better Way
This is where you paint a picture of the life they could be leading. Make them yearn for the smell of
freedom (or margaritas by the pool after a stress-free, productive workday, whatever floats their boat).
S for Stimulate Desire for That Life
Time to
turn up the heat. Highlight how your coaching program is the golden ticket they need to start living their dream life. Create a sense of urgency and need for your services.
T for Transition from Prospect to Client
Now, it's time for them to make the leap. Paint the picture of their journey with you. This is where they transition from a "maybe someday" to an "oh hell yeah!".
And there you have it - The QUEST formula for killer copy:
Qualify the Prospect > Understand Their Situation > Educate on a Better Way > Stimulate Desire for That Life > Transition from Prospect to Client.
Simple, yet
So next time you're faced with an army of tumbleweeds, remember to QUEST your way to a bustling bank account instead.
No need to thank me, just send photos when you're sipping that margarita by the pool.😉
Until next time,
Andrew ‘Wilko’ Wilkinson