Hey ,
When I first heard about AI copywriting tools back in 2021, these were my first thoughts:
“no fucking way a machine can ever replace a highly trained, blood and guts human copywriter”.
And sure enough, when I tried out the tools, I was massively underwhelmed by what they pumped out.
Then along came ChatGPT.
I heard that this thing was literally changing the copywriting game.
And it was changing fast.
And I’m not especially proud of what happened next.
I threw a tantrum.
A damn hissy fit.
“No fucking way am I going to lose my livelihood to a damn algorithm. I spent years studying from some of the best copywriters and marketers in history. Building a brand around copywriting. It’s not fair!”
But alas, life isn’t fair.
Technology comes along.
And you either accept it or end up as one of those people who still has a DVD collection gathering dust on their living room shelf.
So, I set myself a goal:
will figure out this AI copywriting thing if it’s the last thing I do”.
So I learned from some of the
marketers & copywriters who are at the forefront of AI copywriting technology.
I hoovered up
all and any knowledge I could around the topic.
And it paid off.
I’m now able to write the same high standard of high-converting emails and social media captions for my clients as I did
before ChatGPT came along…
But I can do it in a fraction of the time.
So, yeah. If you're not using AI in your content writing, you're missing a trick.
But don't worry.
I've got you covered.
I've been working on something that's going to help you out.
Its Called The
ChatGPT Content Goldmine…
A collection of the most effective ChatGPT prompts I've discovered, developed, and used...
...to write emails and IG content that converts like gangbusters!
This thing is the culmination of months or training, testing, tweaking…
And I'm pretty chuffed with the result.
It's Almost ready for the general public.
So keep your eyes peeled for my emails next week as I'm making it available to my list first.
Have an awesome weekend.
Talk soon.
Andrew 'Wilko' Wilkinson