Hey ,
So there’s a lot of talk about AI content creation.
And I know opinions are very much divided on the whole “AI copywriting” topic.
But there are tons of other ways you can use ChatGPT to give your marketing a boost.
Today, I want to share a really simple process to use ChatGPT to snoop on your competitors…
I mean, peers… of course *wink wink*...
And turn their engagement into content ideas for your own biz that you can out your own spin on.
Sound good?
Here ya go.
Step 1: Look for a YouTube video, an Instagram post, or any content piece within your niche that has a ton of engagement.
Step 2: Grab all those comments and feed them to ChatGPT with this prompt:
"Here are comments
from an [Instagram post/YouTube video/etc] with the title [TITLE OF CONTENT PIECE]. I'd like you to put them in a list containing only the comments. The list should be easy to paste into a spreadsheet."
Step 3: Next, ask ChatGPT to sift through the comments for sentiment analysis with this
"Now I'd like you to take on the role of an expert in human behavior and psychology. Analyze the comments for positive and negative sentiment towards [NICHE SUBJECT]."
Step 4: Now, use this sentiment analysis to generate content ideas for your business with this prompt:
"Based on that analysis, I'd like you to give me 10 interesting, unique, and engaging content topics that will
attract the attention of this audience, provide them with valuable insights, and position me as an authority in their eyes."
And boom...
You have a list of engaging content ideas based on real audience feedback in no time.
You didn't sell your soul to the AI gods…
Lose your personal touch…
Or do anything untoward at all…
…all you did was gain an
incredibly efficient and accurate junior marketing assistant!
With the right prompts, ChatGPT can be a game-changer for your business, making you more efficient while STILL allowing you to connect deeply with your audience.
No one is getting left behind on my watch.
If you need help or have questions, you know where to find me.
Just reply to this email. Hit me up on IG. Send me a carrier pigeon.
Here for you .
Andrew ‘Wilko’ Wilkinson