Every time you stumble upon a captivating piece of content, an enlightening podcast episode, or even a fleeting thought during your evening dog walks…
…you add them to your Swipe File.
Over time, it becomes this treasure trove of insights and ideas, ready to be explored.
Here are 3 steps to leverage your Swipe File effectively:
Step 1: Engage
Whenever you come across compelling
content, dive deep. Read it, watch it, or listen to it.
Step 2: Reflect
Ask yourself - What's my take on this? Have I experimented with something similar?
Could I give it a whirl and share my findings?
Step 3: Innovate
Do I have an alternative method that gets the same, or even better, results? Can I add my
unique twist to this idea?
By going through these 3 steps, you’re not stealing or blindly rehashing other people's content…
You’re transforming it, giving it a new life with
your flavour and experience.
This method ensures that your content stays original, fresh, and resonates with your unique voice.
So if you haven’t started already, , start building your Swipe File today.
I promise it can be a lifesaver during those times of writer's block.
But more than that…
It'll also evolve as a testament to your growth, learning, and evolution in your niche.
Now, before I sign off, remember this.
Your voice is unique, your experiences are valuable, and there’s a tribe of awesome humans out there waiting to hear your insights.
It would be a shame to let writer's block stand in your way.
Andrew ‘Wilko’ Wilkinson
Aww… Yes…