And it didn't just NOT suck…
It was actually... pretty amazing.
I know, I know, it sounds like I've been replaced by a winter-loving pod person… but hear me
Wrapped up like a burrito in my winter gear, I braved the great outdoors.
And there it was…
This postcard-perfect world, all quiet and glittery.
It was like stepping into one of those
snow globes, but without the whole shaking part.
This got me thinking (yes, the cold hadn't frozen my brain yet).
How many times do we box ourselves in with our own beliefs?
"I'm not a winter person."
"I can't pull off a startup."
"I'm not good at networking."
Sound familiar?
As a tribe of go-getters, we’re often our own biggest
We stick to what we know and dodge anything that feels off-chart.
But what if our 'comfort zone' is more of a 'snooze zone'?
So, here's my two cents.
Let's challenge our own narratives.
Maybe you've told yourself you're not cut out for public speaking, or you’re no good on video.
How about we flip that script?
Dive into the unknown with a 'bring it the F on' attitude.
Now, I'm not saying you should all start hugging
snowmen or anything (unless that's your thing, no judgment here).
But why not give that idea or project you've been shrugging off a chance?
Remember, every 'I can't' was once an 'I haven't tried yet.' Let's turn our 'what ifs' into 'heck yeses' and see where it takes us.
knows? You might just find your own winter wonderland in the most unexpected places.
Stay frosty (and fabulous),
Andrew ‘Wilko’ Wilkinson